(727) 558-8316 fosterinfo@wffcs.org

5 Steps to Becoming a Licensed Foster Parent

Contact West Florida Foster Care with your initial interest and questions.

Call, email, or click the “Start the Conversation” button above.

Attend a Foster Care information meeting.

This meeting will last approximately one hour and is a prerequisite to becoming a licensed foster home. During this session, you will receive much more detailed information about becoming a licensed foster parent.

Click on the “Register for Info Meeting” button above.

Register for and attend Pre-Service Training, which is the required free training course.

This course is comprised of 20-24 hours of live, virtual classroom training and is provided by our agency using Zoom. 

After completion of the Professional Parenting training, you will be assigned to one of our licensing specialists, who will complete your home study. Our specialists will also walk you through the remainder of the steps to become a licensed foster home.

This step happens automatically after the completion of PPT.


Once you’ve been licensed, you will then await the placement of a foster child or children, based on your availability.

This step happens automatically after you are officially licensed.